i will depart tuesday for eight days, during which i will be carrying a backpack through the wilderness. this summer i am going to make shirts. will you buy one? i am hoping they will turn out cool. any suggestions for the design? black lines on white only.
if you are in the city of bellingham i will make cookies and maybe you can have one.
i often think about what might happen if i posted an extensive post on craigslist; "looking for some sort of companion (regardless of gender, platonic or not)" and list out my interests & the music i like and movies i've loved and so on. i wonder if anyone thinks about doing the same thing. maybe they'd be like me. maybe they'd see it while contemplating posting one similar and then we would hang out and sit around and eat food and watch movies and draw things and drink hard cider that i'd make in the fall and we'd stare at the snow falling and that is all