Thursday, May 21

does your egg glow at night too?

wooden sporks..a boy from abilene texas sent my school a letter saying that his name was matt rogers, and he didn't want to be writing a letter but had to, and would like many letters in return for a school contest. i had no idea if there was a prompt and sent a pretty sweet return letter. i even mentioned the strange but pleasing use of replacing questionmarks with periods.
just got back from hiking 14 miles in chuckanuts. glad to be on my bed.  
possibly converted theo to freeganism instead of veganism.
i will be at sasquatch. all three days. on my best behavior in my sunday clothes. will anyone else be there. 
my middle name is better than my first. 
during the day i feel like an egg, observing and feeling things from the external world. but at night my egg has a larger perimeter around it , like a glowing egg. the glow is like an extra awarness of my being's transience

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