Sunday, May 31


i will depart tuesday for eight days, during which i will be carrying a backpack through the wilderness. this summer i am going to make shirts. will you buy one? i am hoping they will turn out cool. any suggestions for the design? black lines on white only. 
if you are in the city of bellingham i will make cookies and maybe you can have one.
i often think about what might happen if i posted an extensive post on craigslist; "looking for some sort of companion (regardless of gender, platonic or not)" and list out my interests & the music i like and movies i've loved and so on. i wonder if anyone thinks about doing the same thing. maybe they'd be like me. maybe they'd see it while contemplating posting one similar and then we would hang out and sit around and eat food and watch movies and draw things and drink hard cider that i'd make in the fall and we'd stare at the snow falling and that is all


maple tree said...

i would respond to that post.

Anonymous said...

i've thought about that, several times, over and over. i feel like the internet is kind of a gross medium for seeking out that kind of thing. but what is a boy to do? i think one of my biggest fears is the possible fact that some little babe is walking around some place on earth, perfect for me, and we'll never cross paths. everyday i wake up with hopes of seeing her around, its why i dress in the clothes i wear, check the mirror twice before my exit into the streets, its why i paint the pictures i paint, its why i leave little stickers on every block of every city i walk thru, hoping she will see one and become curious of my existence ...its kinda like i only care for myself in hopes that one day a girl will. i've liked a few, but it was never my idea of how love should feel??? sometimes i wonder how all the psycho ones end up falling on my lap? ? ? akasha says i ask for it, ABSURD! sokunnary randomly became mormon at 22 and wanted nothing to do with a graffiti writing dipshit, game over. julie was rad, but don't feed thee animals!!! i once got a phone call from a friend about 20 minutes after julie stormed out of our apt in a drunken rage, he informed me that julie was on market st screaming, "FUCK YOU BRANDON, I COOK YOU FOOD YOU FUCK MY PUSSY!!!!". i ran to market, put her in a cab headed towards our old place, then once home, she started trying to poke sewing needles into her own flesh, pretty creative=). renee was great! petite, darling face, sexy brooklyn accent, great taste in music, movies, all that jazz!!! we successfully made one and other happy for around two months=) then her xanex prescription got refilled, and she was all kinds of crazy. the time she threw me out of her house for putting too much bbq sauce on my tofu would be the last time i seen her. BOO HISS! maybe yudi and i will fall in love at age 35 when the two of us realize nothing else is really panning out? these are things i think about. since i've moved from sf to portland i've kissed a few, but still, no real romance=( after going to the same bar for two weeks i developed a huge crush on a pretty little girl named be#*=). i would notice her noticing me, when i stepped out for a smoke, she stepped out for a smoke, i thought things were legit. with the mustered up courage, i asked be#*=) if we could hang out sometime? ? ? although she gave me a really cute smile, and her delivery was really comforting, her words went something like, "i'm sorry, you seem like a nice boy, but i recently made a policy for myself, and the policy is i don't give my# out at work, but if you live in the neighborhood i hope to see you around". i walked off feeling sad, confused, and mostly frustrated. on my way home i stopped at one last bar near the my house, and ended up getting a ride home from the bartender who probably had zero policies in her life, whatsoever. life is scary, but im not scared, i just want a girlfren. SUCK MY BLOG!

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maple tree said...

have you read the english translation of staralfur? it is like nothing else

annie said...

dear anonymous/brandon you seem quite interesting.

thank you ryan.

maple, no, i haven't. i will do that now.